Summer Camp Description
Summer Camp is open for students 30 months of age to 12 year olds.
Summer Camp is designed around a Summer Theme where students will continue to learn in the classroom with a fun summer theme. Our schedule includes:
Monday - Start Weekly theme in classroom (art work, coloring, crafts, teacher instruction)
Tuesday - Chapel in Sanctuary complete with music, fun opening session, game time, and story time
Wednesday - Elementary Students will attend the Culpeper Library to participate in the Summer Reading Program. Students will be allowed to check-out books to read for their Summer Reading Goals. Awards are given when goals are achieved.
Thursday - Swim Day; Preschool students get to swim at the school in blow up pools while Elementary Age Students will travel about 10 miles to a nearby swimming pool.
Friday - Several Field Trips are scheduled throughout the Summer
(Farm Show at the Culpeper Agricultural Building, Brandy Station Fair sponsored by the Brandy Station Fire Department, Shows sponsored by the Friends of the Library at the Culpeper Library, Field trips to Mountain Run Lake Park, Local Restaurants, etc.